Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Snow , a little

We have had our first bit of snow here in Boston. Just enough to cancel the Madison guild that I had planned to rejoin.
I have decided to take part in a new challenge, UFO's. I only have a couple but they are always calling - me,me,me! The link to their blog is http://sewitsfinished.blogspot
Weight Watcher was a great success for me this year. I have two pounds to goal, that is a total of 44 pounds. Now the real struggle begins, maintenance. Their new program has been good for me. Lots off fruits and vegetables. The market has stated to carry Florida strawberries so that is a nice change from grapefruit, oranges and bananas.
This afternoon I stewing an old hen for some fresh chicken broth. It smells almost as good as an apple pie baking. Believe me.
I just finished reading Catherine the Great on my Kindle. I enjoyed the book and am looking around for something new. A new Maisie Dodds story is coming out in February so that probably will be it.


  1. Congratulations on the weight loss! I'm thrilled about your loss - I am an old weight watchers person and didn't have much luck with the new points plus program. I know I'm doing something wrong but have no idea what. I need some tips! Got any? blessings, marlene

    1. my only advise is to keep a journal and keep it faithfully. I also exercise at a Wellness Center 3 days a week, weight lifting, walking in the pool, and belong to a Senior Sitting Exercise group. I have difficulty walking due to some serious back problems. Losing weight and exercise keeps me going. I will be having my 80th birthday this years. Thanks for adding a comment to my blog.

  2. I think we might get some snow tonight. I can't believe we've dodged it this long. Enjoy that Kindle!

  3. I just finished Stephen King's new novel, a long one but a goodie. I really enjoyed it.
